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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: NCLB and IDEIA, Both provide funding, 10 titles of NCLB 1 Title I: Improving the Academic Acheivment of the Disadvantaged, Both require highly qualified teachers, aligns with the state standards in lang. arts, math, reading, and eventually science, AYP-adequate yearly progress if not met 4yr: same and is designated as needing corrective action, NCLB/IDEIA are different in that IDEIA, NCLB requires that states meet standards, at least 95% of students including ELL, low income, students with disabilities, and diverse racial/ethnic groups, infants & toddlers passed in 1986, reading 1st provides money$$, alternate assessments 2 types 1 aligns with states academic content standards, NCLB/IDEIA are the same in that Both, AYP-adequate yearly progress if not met 3yr: same with supplemental educational services(tutoring,etc), 5yr: same with major restrucuration of school inluding replacing of staff, reopening as public charter school, turning school over to state, Both signed by Bush, NCLB reauthorization of ESEA, 10 titles of NCLB 4 Title IV: 21st Century Schools, NCLB consists of 10 titles, students with 13 specific disabilities including autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, hearing impairment, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairments, other health impairments, emotional disturbance, specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, TBI, visual impairment., Both require accountability for student progress