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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: FAPE, appropriate education states that IEP is to be developed for all sped students, The Rowley Standard involves 2 questions to determine if schools provided FAPE, FAPE components free education, FAPE components appropriate education, FAPE cases Cedar Rapids Community School District v. GarretF, free education states that all special ed and related services that are part of the childs educational program are at no cost to parents/guardians, free education states that schools cannot refuse to provide special ed services, BOE of Hendrick Hudson SD v. Rowley concluded Rowley standard, state standards states that education of students is the states responsibility not federal gov., FAPE cases Irving Independent School District v. Tatro, students are provided related services with sped services requires FAPE, FAPE cases age v. Bullit Country Public School, appropriate education includes LRE, Irving Independent School District v. Tatro involved CIC- clean intermittent catheterization, Hudson Hndrick school district verses Rowley concluded The Rowley Standard, FAPE components state standards, appropriate education includes IEP, FAPE cases Hudson Hndrick school district verses Rowley, Hudson Hndrick school district verses Rowley invovled deaf girl Amy, BOE of Hendrick Hudson SD v. Rowley involved amy rowley- deaf girl parents wanted qualifies interpreter that school argued was not needed for amys potential