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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Jennifer Cottrell IDEA Section 504, IDEA and Section 504 Comparison IDEA To be eligible for services under IDEA child must meet the criteria in one or more of 13 catergories of disabilities identified in the law, Evaluation: student must be identified through procedures that gather information from a variety of sources Section 504 Civil rights statue, IDEA and Section 504 Comparison IDEA Schools required to provide FAPE to children identified as having a disability and meeting the specific criteria of the 13 distinct categories, Evaluation: student must be identified through procedures that gather information from a variety of sources Section 504 "Appropriate" education meaning comparable to that provided to students without disabilities, IDEA and Section 504 Comparison IDEA Requires school districts personnel to identify and locate students within their school district suspected of having a disability who attend public, private schools, or state agencies, IDEA and Section 504 Comparison Section 504 Least restrictive environment, IDEA and Section 504 Comparison Section 504 No limits on services provided or where services are provided, Evaluation: student must be identified through procedures that gather information from a variety of sources Section 504 Least restrictive environment, Evaluation: student must be identified through procedures that gather information from a variety of sources Section 504 No limits on services provided or where services are provided, IDEA and Section 504 Comparison Section 504 "Appropriate" education meaning comparable to that provided to students without disabilities, IDEA and Section 504 Comparison IDEA School districts required to identify and evaluate children suspected of having a disability, IDEA and Section 504 Comparison Section 504 Civil rights statue, IDEA and Section 504 Comparison IDEA Guarantees special education and related services for students with disabilities, IDEA and Section 504 Comparison IDEA Least Restrictive environment