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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: electrtochem 2, <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> <mrow> <mtext> E </mtext> <mmultiscripts> <mtext> </mtext> <none/> <mtext> 0 </mtext> </mmultiscripts> <mtext> = E cathode - E anode </mtext> </mrow> </math> or <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> <mrow> <mtext> </mtext> <mmultiscripts> <mtext> E </mtext> <none/> <mtext> o </mtext> </mmultiscripts> <mtext> = E red + E ox </mtext> </mrow> </math>, interconversion between chemical and electrical energy if Electrical energy to chemical energy, Voltaic /galvanic cell consists of two half cells with different electrical potential, Electrical energy to chemical energy occurs in electrolytic cells, Chemical energy to electrical energy occurs in Voltaic /galvanic cell, Voltaic /galvanic cell commonly written as cell notation ABC ( Anode,Bridge, Cathode), standard condition calculated <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> <mrow> <mtext> E </mtext> <mmultiscripts> <mtext> </mtext> <none/> <mtext> 0 </mtext> </mmultiscripts> <mtext> = E cathode - E anode </mtext> </mrow> </math>, Electrochemistry study of interconversion between chemical and electrical energy, electromotive force (emf) /cell potential or cell voltage under non standard conditions, non standard conditions use Nerst Eqn, Voltaic /galvanic cell ???? ????, interconversion between chemical and electrical energy if Chemical energy to electrical energy, two half cells with different electrical potential give rise to electromotive force (emf) /cell potential or cell voltage, electrolytic cells example electrolysis of brine, electromotive force (emf) /cell potential or cell voltage under standard condition