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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Section 504 and IDEA, Students in both general and special education Evaluatoin and Placement Reevaluatoin is required before a change in placement, IDEA and Section 504 Created In Signed by President Bush in 1990, IDEA and Section 504 Type of Law Federal law that governs special education services, IDEA and Section 504 Who is protected People with HIV and Tuberculosis, IDEA and Section 504 Purpose protect people with disabilites from discrimination in services and programs federally funded., IDEA and Section 504 Purpose Provides clear, consistent, and enforceable standards addressing discrimination against individuals with disabilities., IDEA and Section 504 Purpose Eliminates discrimination against individuals with disabilities, IDEA and Section 504 Type of Law Civial Rights Statue, IDEA and Section 504 Who is protected Any person with a disability and is defined as having a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more life activities of an individual, IDEA and Section 504 Who is protected Students in both general and special education, IDEA and Section 504 Purpose Nodiscrimination by requiring reasonable accommodations, Students in both general and special education Evaluatoin and Placement Guardian Consent not required, IDEA and Section 504 Who is protected Students have mental and physical impairment affecting a major life activiy with record and who are reguarded as having an impairment, Civial Rights Statue covering life span of a studen, Federal law that governs special education services covering Students 3-21, Students in both general and special education Evaluatoin and Placement Constant evaluations are required, IDEA and Section 504 Created In Signed by President Nixon in 1973