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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: RTI, Response to Invervention 3 Tiers Tier 3, Tier 1 Primary instructional setting Research core curriculum, Response to Invervention What it is? A multi tiers approach to help struggling students catch up using curriculm interventions and closey monitors student progress at each tier while identifing specific learning disabilities., Response to Invervention 3 Tiers Tier 2, Tier 3 Student reseives individualized instruction 1 hour a day Continued monitoring of progress, Tier 3 Student reseives individualized instruction 1 hour a day Case Conference meeting and develpement of IEP, Tier 1 Primary instructional setting Screening Assessments, Tier 2 Short intervals it address why student is falling befind Research interventions, Tier 2 Short intervals it address why student is falling befind Small groups, Response to Invervention 3 Tiers Tier 1, Tier 1 Primary instructional setting Quality instruction, Tier 1 Primary instructional setting Classwide interventions, Tier 2 Short intervals it address why student is falling befind Monitor Progress, Tier 3 Student reseives individualized instruction 1 hour a day Continued interventions, Tier 1 Primary instructional setting Inclusion evironments