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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Spec Proj - Superoinferior Tangential (Axial) CMAP, chin resting against IR, nasal bones uses no AEC, nasal bones consists of patient, nasal bones consists of MSP, nasal bones consists of CR, nasal bones uses specific technique*, patient laying prone, patient sitting erect, nasal bones shows fractures, CR centered nasion, 8 x 10" IR oriented crosswise, nasal bones uses small focal spot, Superoinferior Tangential (Axial) projection used for nasal bones, nasal bones consists of gonadal shielding, nasal bones uses 8 x 10" IR, detail screen with film/screen, nasal bones consists of IR, nasal bones uses 50 to 60 kV range, nasal bones uses detail screen, CR centered paralled to GAL