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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Proj - Parietocanthial (Waters Method) - Sinus, sinusitis consists of infammatory conditions, sinus projection entails nose, IR centered to acanthion, 8 x 10" IR needs specific technique*, sinusitis consists of secondary osteomyelitis, 8 x 10" IR needs moving or stationary grid, MML perpendicular to IR, patient positioned erect, patient holding breath during exposure, 8 x 10" IR needs sinus projection, sinus projection entails IR, sinus projection entails MSP, nose placed against against Bucky, 8 x 10" IR needs 70 to 80 kV range, sinus projection entails patient, horizontal CR perpendicular to IR, 8 x 10" IR needs small focal spot, sinus projection entails horizontal CR, sinus projection evaluated by radiographic criteria*, borders collimated to sinus cavity area