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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: CMap NFrost, Fatigue alleviate symptoms by O2 Therapy, Peripheral Extremities as evidenced by Scale of Edema, Patients with Fluid Volume Excess have Intake Greater than Output, Scale of Edema is Pitting, Rales or Rhonchi alleviate symptoms by Diuretics, Patients with Fluid Volume Excess have Weight Gain, Tachypnea alleviate symptoms by Elevating Head on Pillows, Nonpitting is +2, +3, +4, Patients with Fluid Volume Excess have Edema, Rales or Rhonchi alleviate symptoms by Elevating Head on Pillows, Edema causes Weight Gain, Dyspnea as evidenced by Rales or Rhonchi, Sacrum as evidenced by Scale of Edema, Weakness alleviate symptoms by O2 Therapy, Inability to Pump Adequate Amount of Blood to Body causes Edema, Fatigue as evidenced by Inability to perform regular activites, Nocturnal Dyspnea alleviate symptoms by Reduce Na+ Intake, Intake Greater than Output as evidenced by Urinary Retention, Nocturnal Dyspnea alleviate symptoms by O2 Therapy, Weight Gain as evidenced by Greater than 5 lbs in a Week