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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Acute case study, Inpaired gas exchange affects Tissue perfusion, risk of decrease, Oxygen prn may help with Potential for Gastrointestinal problems, knowledge deficit inadvertently may cause lack, by removing hose Tissue perfusion, risk of decrease, Impaired Physical Mobility burdens Caregiver role strain, Pain, acute and chronic nuances lead to knowledge deficit, Tissue perfusion, risk of decrease lack of may increase Infection, risk for, Potential for Gastrointestinal problems causes deficits Nutritional, knowledge deficit improper care may lead to Infection, risk for, fluid volume deficit potentially low blood voume Tissue perfusion, risk of decrease, Impaired Physical Mobility affects Self care deficit, knowledge deficit may lead , if remove O2 or do not use IS Inpaired gas exchange, Infection, risk for adds to regimen Self care deficit, fluid volume deficit may cause Inpaired gas exchange, Caregiver role strain may impose Self care deficit, Pain, acute and chronic meds are the basis for Potential for Gastrointestinal problems, Infection, risk for may increase Pain, acute and chronic