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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Aware&Prepare 093010, Listos - Carpinteria 2nd group of 25 participants Instructor engaged Goleta community organization Goleta Valley Community Center Local Nonprofit, Goleta Valley Community Center Local Nonprofit Listos - Goleta Goleta Valley Community Center, Maria L. From Participation to Community Engagement and Leadership Outreach and spreading the word, Don't Panic! Prepare Carpinteria Designed and Publishes Media Outreach with an Editorial Section, Full CERT Meeting Partnering Fire-Safety House Red Cross, Santa Ynez blended approach CERT, Listos Carpinteria participant Maria R., School Preparedness Table-top exercise 8 schools dedicated a person at each school to be part of a School Emergency Preparedness Committee, Santa Ynez Change the way we measure success, Santa Ynez Suggested "Get the information out - the will come", Goleta Prepare Now!/ iGoleta Preparese Hoy! In Partnership with Red Cross, Listos - Santa Barbara at Francisco's From Participation to Community Engagement and Leadership Outreach and spreading the word, Aware and Prepare Initiative Orfalea Foundation Determining what the new vision of the regional efforts are through shared-goals activities and knowledge., Delivering Emergency Preparedness to Existing Outreach Networks Embeded into Curriculum Hancock College, Maria L. Activated her CAC Emergency Planning Committee Disaster Drill (Sept. 2010), Listos Student Assisted in development of the program Spanish Language translations, Goleta Prepare Now!/ iGoleta Preparese Hoy! September Preparedness Month, Fire Department Participated in and asked for additional table-top exercises at their stations School Preparedness Table-top exercise 8 schools, Disaster Preparedness Showing up to existing events rather than initiate City workshops Hard to reach i.e. Mexteco Population, Goleta Prepare Now!/ iGoleta Preparese Hoy! Provided Kit-Making Workshop in collaboration with the local chapter of the American Red Cross. Listos - Goleta Goleta Valley Community Center