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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: objection-schemes, author x is always wrong comments AU: (author x) reason add ...|use as ..., AU: (author x) enabler add ...|use as ... therefore (ArgScheme: X apply ... add ...) AU: (author) claim add ...|use as ..., if Carl was drunk when he caused the accident, then Carl's blood alcohol was above the legal limit therefore (ArgScheme: modus tollens) Carl was not drunk when he caused the accident, if bats are using their eyes when avoiding obstacles, then blindfolded bats cannot avoid obstacles therefore (ArgScheme: modus tollens) it is not the case that bats are using their eyes when avoiding obstacles, it is not the case that bats are using their eyes when avoiding obstacles defeats by counter argu- ment bats are using their eyes when avoiding obstacles, blind- folded bats can avoid obstacles therefore (ArgScheme: modus tollens) it is not the case that bats are using their eyes when avoiding obstacles, Carl's blood alcohol was not above the le- gal limit therefore (ArgScheme: modus tollens) Carl was not drunk when he caused the accident, Carl was not drunk when he caused the accident defeats by counter argu- ment Carl was drunk when he caused the accident, Paul is not a rational human being negates Paul is a rational human being, Key and LAM conventions see click on the small icon under this text box, human beings cannot fly negates human beings can fly, penguins are birds, but they cannot fly defeats by counter example if something is a bird, then it can fly, x is not trustworthy, has specific interests, etc. comments AU: (author x) enabler add ...|use as ..., AU: (author x) reason add ...|use as ... therefore (ArgScheme: X apply ... add ...) AU: (author) claim add ...|use as ..., why can a catholic priest not be married? questions if someone is a catholic priest, he can- not be married, Objection schemes presented according to the conventions of Logical Argument Mapping (LAM), Maybe Paul did not develop his full potential as a rational human being because he is not mature enough questions Paul is a rational human being