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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Intro and Methods.cmap, same type of tests used for adults cannot be performed on children due to -limited attention span -lack of development - inability to tolerate positions& extremes, Introduction need for normative data for children Cannot use adult data to compare, Vestibular System responsible for muscle tone, Vestibular System responsible for head righting, self regulation inability disruptive behavior, self regulation inability to tell when you need to stop, Clinical Tests from Research Articles: Balance Assessment Dynamic Balance Assessment, Vestibular System responsible for self regulation, Vestibular System responsible for protective extension, Introduction need for normative data for children as a control group in order to compare to atypical development, arousal status: dampened/heightened dampen high arousal rythmic movements swaddling/ flexing, Introduction define what we are testing for ????, vestibular with -sling swing - straight or rotate - self imposed vs. external force toleration level - climb ladder - astranaut training protocol: suspended platform swing - prone scooter down ramp - finger puppet circles-follow (ocular tracking), Introduction Purpose to collect enough normative data that can be used to compare atypical children to typically developing children, Vestibular System responsible for attention span, Dynamic Balance Assessment through Ankle/knee/hip Strategies, Dynamic Balance Assessment through fukuda's stepping Test, disruptive behavior d/t how they perceive their environment & their control over modulating it, Methods modification for children -using toys - irrigation: air instead of water - sit on parent's lap - incentives (i.e. with prizes) - posters- relatable visual models -games!, Introduction Purpose Determining modified testing for typical children in order to have normative data for developing children