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The Concept Map you are trying to access has information related to:
G2C Internet site draws on expert knowledge, G2C Internet site uses concept maps, Systems approach includes Levels of organization, G2C Internet site is a collaboration of research institutes, G2C Internet site is a collaboration of funding sources, research institutes including Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, research institutes including Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Levels of organization from genes, expert knowledge from Ongoing Research, learning for researchers, learning for general public, learning for students & teachers, learning measured by evaluation, genes to biochemicals, evaluation via standardized tests, evaluation via concept maps, evaluation via standards allignment, G2C Internet site built by The Dolan DNA Learning Center, expert knowledge represented in concept maps, cells to brain, G2C Internet site built as an evolving network, environment to cognition, brain to cognition, G2C Internet site represents a Systems approach, biochemicals to cells, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory specifically The Dolan DNA Learning Center, students & teachers of biology, students & teachers of psychology, G2C Internet site is about neuroscience, learning using multimedia, Levels of organization represented as concentric circles, concept maps to instruct, concept maps to organize, concept maps to construct, funding sources including Hewlett Foundation, funding sources including EDC, funding sources including DANA Foundation, funding sources including IHMC, G2C Internet site enhances learning, multimedia subject to evaluation