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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: cmap1, NETWORK Definition network consists of a set of computers connected together through various methods of sharing information and services, NETWORK Types of topology RING the computers are connected to One Another in a circle. The data passes from one computer to the next until you reach the server. -ADVANTAGES: - No data collisions. - Transmission of data is fairly simple as it only travels in one direction. -DISAVANTAGES: -If a single machine is switched off, the network doesn´t work. - If a cable breaks, the network doesn´t work. - If there are any problems with the network, they can be difficult to identify the cause., NETWORK Types of topology STAR In a star network layout, each workstation is connected by its own cable directly to the server.Each of the computers are connected to a hub that distributes and translates the information to the server. AVANTAGES: -Star networks are very reliable. If one connections fails, it does not affect other users. -Very Few data collisions as each workstation has its own cable to the server. DISAVANTAGES: -Installing the network usually needs experts to set it up. -Extra hardware such as hubs and switches may be needed., NETWORK Type of networks Local Area Network (LAN), NETWORK Type of networks Wide Area Network (WAN), Wide Area Network (WAN) Definition A wide area Network (WAN) is a telecommunication network that covers a broad area. In essence this mode of telecommunication allows a business to effectively carry out its daily function regadless of location., Local Area Network (LAN) Definition LAN stands for Local Area Network. A LAN is a network that connects computers in a relatively small, predetermined as a room, building. interconnected with a cable., NETWORK Types of topology BUS This topology is used to connect computers together. The cable connects all the workstations, printer .... At each extremity of buse is a terminator (T) to connect to the network computadoreas. ADVANTAGES: - Easy to add extra workstations - Best choice for temporary networks - Easy to install DISAVANTAGES: - If there is a problem with the central cable the entire network stops working. - Data collisions can happen as the network becomes busy. - Limited cable lenght and a maximum number of workstations.