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Questa Cmap, creata con IHMC CmapTools, contiene informazioni relative a: enzymes, kind of reaction that theycatalyze isomerasi, a catalytic activity influenced by temperature, conc of substrate related with the speed of reaction with an equation V=Vmax[E][S]/{Km +[S]}, modality of action Fisher's model, attive active sites may be amino groups, rigid configuration conformation that implies high specificity, attive active sites may be sulfhydryl groups, high specificity may be related to a specific bond, high specificity may be related to a specific enantiomer, kind of reaction that theycatalyze idrolasi, induced adaptation model the enzyme can adapt the conformation to the substrate, adapt the conformation to the substrate and than then go back to its original form, ENZYMES are classified according to kind of reaction that theycatalyze, a catalytic activity expressed by turnover number, a catalytic activity influenced by conc of substrate, high specificity may be related to a specific molecule, globular protein can be simple, conc of enzyme that are directly proportional to the speed of reaction, ENZYMES have region directly interestinged ofto the catalyzing attivity activity, attive active sites may be groups capable to form H-bridge bond