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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: macdonaldp16-77835-highfructosecornsyrup, that parents should provide a healthy balance of high quality food to their children and pay close attention to Fructose, Fructose Vanessa Bundy of Georgia Health Sciences University said that "the overall amount of fructose that is in high fructose syrup is not much different than the amount of table sugar but it's believed there's something in the syrup processing that plays a role in the bad byproducts of metabolism.", It is suggested by researchers that the "the nutrition that caregivers provide for their children will either contribute to their overall health and development or potentially contribute to cardiovascular disease at an early age", teenagers who consumed a lot of fructose, 559 teens between the ages of 14 and 18 who received high fructose corn syrup had a greater risk of diabetes, "the overall amount of fructose that is in high fructose syrup is not much different than the amount of table sugar but it's believed there's something in the syrup processing that plays a role in the bad byproducts of metabolism." he added "Fructose itself is metabolized differently than other sugars and has some byproducts that are believed to be bad for us", It is suggested by researchers that parents should provide a healthy balance of high quality food to their children, Fructose is received by teenagers, a lot of fructose were more likely to develop high blood pressure, HDL, and bad cholesterol, Fructose consumers are at a higher risk of visceral adiposity, or disposition of excess fat around the belly, teenagers through processed foods and beverages $weetened by high-fructose corn syrup, visceral adiposity, or disposition of excess fat around the belly which is a risk factor for heart disease and diabetes, Fructose is received by teenagers, Fructose natural sugar found in Vegetables, Fructose natural sugar found in Fruits, 559 teens between the ages of 14 and 18 a study shown that teenagers