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12.1 Recombinant DNA Technology.cmap 12.2 Methods in Gene Cloning.cmap 12.3 Apllication of Recombinant Technology.cmap bacteriophages.jpg bacteriophage structure.jpg chapter 12_RECOMBINATION DNA TECHNOLOGY.cmap chapter 12 RECOMBINATION DNA TECHNOLOGY_SURAYA.cmap Cloning in a Plasmid Vector - YouTube.flv.flv Ella - Standing In The Eyes Of The World.mp3 fig11_1.png gb-2009-10-5-r49-10-l.jpg Gene Cloning Animation with In-Fusion® - YouTube.flv.flv Gene Cloning Animation with In-Fusion® - YouTube (2).flv.flv gene cloning using plasmid.gif palindromic restriction sequence.jpg PCR.jpg PCR - Polymerase Chain reaction pcrsteps.gif plasmid.jpg plasmid structure.jpg Recombinant DNA ©2004 Demonstratives, Inc. - YouTube.flv.flv Reverse-Transcriptase_Inhibitors HIV - YouTube.flv.flv Reverse-Transcriptase_Inhibitors HIV - YouTube (2).flv.flv reverse transcription.gif Reverse Transcription.flv - YouTube.flv.flv Steps in Cloning a Gene - McGraw Hill Animation - YouTube.flv.flv