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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: GramStaining_Nyss, Gram Staining used Determining cell morphology, crystal violet retain crystal violet-iodine complex, Hans Christian Gram introduce Primary stain, crystal violet-iodine complex colour purple brown, bacteria to two group is Gram-negative, crystal violet-iodine complex classified as Gram-positive, Gram-positive add decolouriser (alcohol), Primary stain using crystal violet, prolonged exposure result remove all stain, thick layer of peptidoglycan stained crystal violet, decolouriser (alcohol) enhance leaching stain to surrounding, Gram-negative consist of high lipid layer, remove all stain cannot identify whether Gram-negative, leaching stain to surrounding of high lipid layer, Gram-negative consist of thin layer of peptidoglycan, crystal violet colour red, Gram-positive consist of thick layer of peptidoglycan, prolonged exposure cannot identify whether Gram-negative, lower lipid layer diffusion blocked crystal violet-iodine complex, red not retain Gram-negative