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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Reitsma S, adolescents have a strong need for intimacy, secure attachment in infants doesn't always predict secure attachment in adults, 3. clear-cut attachment ends around age 3 with working model, securely attached characterized by responsiveness to a mate's signals, adult attachment styles more specifically with romantic partnership in emerging adulthood, friends with men, attachment-related issues being a burden, widowhood move from bereavement to working model, infancy explained by Erikson, Sternberg's Triangular Theory breaks adult relationships into commitment, imprinting which proved attachment is biologically built in, body contact promotes attachment proved them wrong behaviorists, adult attachment styles more specifically with friends, Sternberg's Triangular Theory breaks adult relationships into passion, body contact promotes attachment through monkey study, secure attachment in infants is not weakened with daycare, later life cut off from main attachment figure (spouse) widowhood, men more competitive, Attachment/Love studied by behaviorists, Attachment/Love studied by Lorenz