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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Ling A, Reconstruction of a New Life ability based on Religion, Difficult can lead to Inhibited/Shy, Early Development of Nervous System, Limbic system, and the Brain Stem further development allows for reading of others' emotions and enables Social Referencing, EMOTIONS during Toddlerhood (1-2 years), Erikson's stage of Industry vs. Inferiority success dependent upon Extrinsic Motivation/Rewards, Exuberant lead to Internalizing Tendencies, Good/Strong Friendships can lead to Trust, Emotional Regulation is improved through Play, Erik Erikson's stage of Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt beginning of Self-Conscious Emotions, Early Development of Nervous System, Limbic system, and the Brain Stem which allow for Primary Emotions, Rollercoaster marital satisfaction is helped by sorting out arguments, Late Adulthood (late sixties and beyond) when faced with death experience Denial + Isolation, Girls To prevent negative emotions require Goodness of Fit/Person- Environment Fit, Altruism requires Concrete Operational Skills, Emotional Response determined by Temperament, Temperament divided into Difficult, Relationship Seeking described by Erikson's Stage of Intimacy vs. Isolation, Middle Childhood (6 years to puberty) begin to experience Aggression, EMOTIONS during Middle Adulthood (forties to sixties), Prosocial Behavior genuinely culminates in Altruism