Institutional alienation Issues: - how to relate planning function to other functions of the organization? - what responsibilities and authorities should be given to planners? - Often planning unit has responsibility to develop all sorts of plans but no authority for implementation. - Problem: alienation. How? Most managers consider themselves planners, so suggestions by planners imply criticism. - Option 1: give planners authority for implementation. Problems: loss of objectivity and less time for planning. - Option 2 (compromise): managers to assign responsible staff to planning team --> management representative = hostage. - Option 3 (transparency): publishing costs of planning associated with divisions/departments --> management compromized into accepting proposals. - Option 3a: refine 3 by letting managers "sign up" for planning. Still has element of bribing. - Option 4: make planning staff function at top of organization, e.g. board of directors/CEO. Problem: isolates planning from operations, which can be disastrous when operations are key to the plan.