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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: organization, having a project oriented business like bulding houses advantages clear purpose clear bosses clear communication, organization such as matrix, having a typical employee boss/chain relashionship this is the typical type of office enviornment advantages has a common way of handling issues this has been done before so the level of uncertainty is less than other forms there is a clear chain of command there is potential for advancement with projects in this type of environemnt because there is opportunity to show yourself off in a different environment, organization can be formal, organization such as project, organization such as functional orginizations, matrix characteristics having people from all areas for used to working on different projects this is a environment where it is easier to pull people from departments to work on a project, having people from all areas for used to working on different projects this is a environment where it is easier to pull people from departments to work on a project advantages having a clear authority having clear communication more project focus, project charachteristics having a project oriented business like bulding houses, having a project oriented business like bulding houses disadvantages projectitis this is the idea that everything is a project and the whole idea in work is about projects, informal is the way in which the business actually performs there may be unoffoficial lines of communication and authority, functional orginizations some charactheristics are having a typical employee boss/chain relashionship this is the typical type of office enviornment, having people from all areas for used to working on different projects this is a environment where it is easier to pull people from departments to work on a project disadvantages there is a greater potential for conflict poor recponse time, organization can be informal, having a typical employee boss/chain relashionship this is the typical type of office enviornment disadvantages sometimes hard while working on project to determine who reports to who there arent lines of authority clearly laid out as there would be in the traditional working enviroment, formal is the way that the business acts on paper or told by certain people