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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: midterm, Project management is the science and act of managing projects, projects operate within organizations, projects operate within project infrastructures, projects have attributes, projects go through the project life cycle, methodolgies which is a approach to handling a situation with a clearly defined logic, Project management leads to sharing experiences in the form of lessons learned, developing information systems benefits of using project management for developing info systems are not haviing to re invent the wheel having some things that have been practices and proven to work ironed as so they can be applied to a new situation, methodolgies advantages are developing a better informations system by using standard operating procedures and previously applied ideas and tools and procceses, sharing experiences in the form of lessons learned which leads to best practices in managing and developing information systems, project managers are often leaders, developing information systems uses methodolgies, projects have scope, best practices in managing and developing information systems some examples of this are growing and learning from past experiences becoming better as a result of having learned from people and projects, Project management is about applying the science that is learning in the context of IT to a new endeavor that has similarities to other projects. It is about applying steps and procedures to a new problem that have been proven to work, Project management utilizes porject time management, projects which can be defined as is a objective within a set context it is basically a undertaking to accomplish a goal or a means, Project management needs project managers, Project management is used for developing information systems, projects use project integration management