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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 02 Glandualr Epithelium, destroyed cells example sebaceous glands, cytoplasm example mammary glands, endocrine secretes to bloodstream, Glandular Epithelium is made up of epithelial cells, exocrine common to all secretory portion, Glandular Epithelium types of glands exocrine, exocrine secretes to ducts, endocrine such as hormones, apocrine loses cytoplasm, pinocytosis example sweat gland, bloodstream via exocytosis, Glandular Epithelium types of glands endocrine, exocrine classified as apocrine, exocrine classified as merocrine, merocrine uses pinocytosis, holocrine characterized by destroyed cells, exocrine classified as holocrine
01 Epithelial Cells
00 Human Organization
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