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Climate Resources Resources for Inquiry-based Science and Engineering Practices Resources for Interdisciplinary Connections Resources for Resources 100 Energy Links.url ACELI Ed Programming for CC and Energy Literacy.url ACS Climate Science Toolkit.url Act on Climate Change Videoclips EPA.url Americans Knowledge of Climate Change.url American Teens' Knowledge of Climate Change.url Annotated Bibliography of NSTA NGSS Resources.url Antarctica Flexhibit.url Arctic Climate Connections.url Argumentation.jpg Barrier Islands and Sea Level Rise.url Bathtub model graphic.url Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears.url Beyond Weather and the Water Cycle.url Bringing Wetlands to Market.url Build a lesson around a TED talk.url Building Science.url Calculating Energy Demand of Appliances.url CAMEL CC Education.url Carbon Calculators Steger Comparison.url Carbon Cycle.url Carbon dioxide and the carbon cycle.url Carbon Dioxide Interactive.url Carbon Past Present and Future.url CC and EE Framing Perspectives.pdf CC and Extreme Weather.url CC and the Anthropocene Developing a Unit with Paleoclimate Data Sources.url CC Conceptual Maps.url CC Data App Challenge.url CC Educational Resources.url CC Education a Primer for Zoos and Aquaria.url CC Education Partnerships.url CC Grades 3-12 Curricular.url CC in the American Mind.url CC Teacher Resources.url CC Unit Framework Lehigh.url Chasing Ice Resources.url Children and Nature Research and Resources.url Citizen Climate 9-12.url CLEAN Climate and Energy Literacy Resources.url Clean Energy Curriculum.url Climate and Energy Principles.url Climate Bathtub Simulation 1.url Climate Bathtub Simulation 2.url Climate Change.url Climate Change and Education.url Climate Change and Health Resources and Publications.url Climate Change and Southeastern Forests.url Climate Change at the National Academies.url Climate Change Circle of Consequences Activity.url Climate Change Connections and Solutions.url Climate Change Connections and Solutions HS.url Climate Changed Education Course Resources.url Climate Change eBook.url Climate Change Education in Formal Settings.url Climate Change EPA.url Climate Change for Educators K-12.url Climate Change Government Data.url Climate Change is Elementary.url Climate Change Lehigh.url Climate Change LIVE.url Climate Change Live for Students.url Climate Change Live for Teachers.url Climate Change Live Lesson Plans.url Climate Change Resources and Suggestions.url Climate Change Schools Project.url Climate Ed in an Age of Media.url Climate Generation.url Climate Interactive.url Climate Interpreter.url Climate Kids.url Climate Literacy and NGSS.url Climate Literacy Booklet Hi-Res.pdf Climate Literacy MOOC.url Climate Literacy PBS Media Resources.url Climate Pathways.url Climate Resources from NOAA.url Climate Science Resources.url Climate Smart and Energy Wise.url Climate Smart and Energy Wise eBook.url Climate Stewards Education Project.url Climate Story Tellers.url Climate Website.url Cog Sci and Changes in Human Behavior.url Common Misconceptions about Climate and Climate Change.url Comparing Carbon Calculators.url Convergence between Science and Environmental Education.url Cooler, Smarter.url Creating a Climate for Change.pdf Cronin Gonzalez Sterman OBHDP2009.pdf Cultural Cognition.url Designing Units and Lessons.url Discover the NGSS Primer and Unit Planner.url Discover Your Changing World with NOAA.url Don't Just Sit There Do Something.url Earth Gauge.url EarthLabs for HS and Policy Makers.url Earthnet.net.jpg Earth The Operator's Manual.url Earth the Operators' Manual.url Earth the Water Planet.url EcoTipping Points.url Effects of Gender on CC Knowledge and Concern.pdf Elementary and Secondary Education Act.url Elements of the Next Generation Science Standards.url Emissions Calculator EPA.url Energy 101 Video Clips.url Energy Curriculum Lehigh.url Energy Education Documents.url Energy Literacy.url Energy Literacy Assessment Project.url Energy Literacy Framework.url Energy Literacy in Spanish.url Energy Literacy Quickstart Guide.url Energy Literacy Videos.url Energy Principles Videos.url Energy Resource Center.url Engineering is Elementary Engineering is Everywhere.url Environmental Literacy Framework.url Env Literacy and Inquiry CC.url EPA Global Warming Wheel Card.url Experience Energy.url Facilitating Environmental Science Inquiry.url Faulty Global Warming Demonstrations.url Framework for K-12 Science Education.url Free Climate Change Instructional Resources.url Free NGSS-Supported Instructional Resources.url Frozen Earth.url Geoengineering and Climate Change Polarization.url Getting the Picture Our Changing Climate.url Global CC Lesson Plan Nova.url Global Systems Science.url Global Warming as a Social Problem.pdf GLOBE Program.url Green Action Plan.url Groundhog.jpg Growing Up Thinking Scientifically.url Guidelines for K12 Climate Change Education.url How are educators improving climate literacy.url Human Behavior in 21st Century Institutions.url Human Interface with Global Change.url Humn Behavior for 21st Century Institutions.url image001.png Innovate to Mitigate Challenge.url Inquiry-based Science and Engineering Practices.cmap Inspiring Climate Education Excellence ICEE.url InTeGrate.url Interactives and videos.url Interdisciplinary Connections.cmap Investigation of relationship of climate change to extreme weather events.url KidWind.url Kid Wind.url Knowledge of CC Across Six Americas.url Linking resources to NGSS.url Maine Energy Education Program.url Majestic Planet.url Maps of Climate Concepts.url Misconceptions in Climate Education.url Misinformation Why It Sticks and How to Fix It.url Mobile Climate Science Labs.url National Climate Assessment Resources.url Next Generation Climate Related Standards (2013) and Mass Draft Standards.pptx Next Generation Science Standards.url NGSS Comon Core Sample Assessment Tasks.url NGSS Download.url NGSS Free Videos.url NGSS Professional Learning.url NGSS Sample Classroom Assessments.url NSTA Collection Science and ESL.url NSTA Quick Reference Guide to the NGSS.url Offset C Cycle Game.url Offset Game.url Opening Up Knowledge Systems for Better Response to Global Environmental Change.url Our Changing Climate.url Our Changing Climate 3-6.url Our Changing Climate 6-12.url Our Climate Our Future.url Our Common Earth.url Overview of NGSS Clip.url Parks Climate Challenge.url Power Sleuth.url Project Look Sharp.url Public Perceptions of Energy Consumption and Savings.url Public Understanding of CC in the US.url Realities vs Misconceptions about CC.url Resources.cmap Resources Green Schools Alliance.url Role Play Climate Change Activity.url Science and Engineering Practices Defined.url Science Learning Progressions.url Scripps Classroom Connection.url Sea Level Awareness Project.url Skeptical Science.url Social Basis of CC Knowledge Concerns and Policy.pdf Solar Classroom Lesson Plan.url Sterman-SweeneyClimaticChange.pdf Strand Maps of Climate and Energy Concepts.url Student's Guide to Global Climate Change.url Sunday Washington Post.png Sustainability MOOCS.url Switch Energy Videos.url Systems Thinking.url Teaching CC through National Parks.url Teaching Climate from NOAA.url Teaching Climate Science Resources.url th.jpg The Climate Leader.url Theory of Change for Climate Literacy.docx The Role of Informal Science in the State Education Agenda.url The Story of Climate Change.url The Watt An Energy Primer.url Three Dimensios of the Next Generation Science Standards.url Translating the NGSS for Classroom Instruction.url UMass Amhest Polar Year Ed Materials.url Urban Ecology.url Vanishing Glaciers.url Viable Models in Professional Development.url Videoclip Oceans and Climate Change.url Visualizing and Understanding the Science of Climate Change.url Visualizing Conceptual Change of Students with Concept Maps.url Web Seminar Science and Engineering Practices.url What Science is Telling us about CC Videos.url Wildlife and Wildlands Tool Kit.url Wisconsin Global and Regional Climate Change Curriculum.url Young Voices for Climate Change.url Young Voices on Climate Change.url