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Climate Change Education Resources Climate Resource Originals MITS URL Resources Resources for Sustainble Investing 2014 U.S. temperature exceeds 20th century average for the 18th consecutive year.url 9 Planetary Boundaries.url A Brief History of Climate Change.url Act on Climate Change Videoclips EPA.url Adaptation and Seafood.url A Defining Framework for Intelligent Efficiency.url A Guide for Engaging and Winning on Climate Change and Clean Energy.url America's Greenhouse Gas Footprint.url American Beliefs about CC.url American Geosciences Critical Issues Climate Connection.url Americans' Actions to Limit Global Warming.url Americas Climate Choices.url A National Strategy for Advancing Climate Modeling.url A New Climate for Theology.url Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience.url A Song of Our Warming Planet.url Backfire Effect.url Best Practices with Skeptics.url Biodiversity Desertification and CC Savory.url Biodiversity for a Livable Climate.url Blueprint for a Clean Energy Economy.url Braasch Environmental Photography.url Brief History of Fossil Fuels.url Building Climate Solutions Conference.url Buildings Industry Transportation and Electricity.url Business of Climate Change Opportunities in Adaptation and Resilience.url Carbon Cycle Interactive.url Carbon Learning Progression.doc Carbon Nation Movie.url Causes of Climate Change.url CC and EE Framing Perspectives.pdf CC and Global Food Security.url CC and Public Health.url CC Communications.url CC Communications in a National Park.url CC Education Videos.url CC Evidence Lines of Evidence Video.url CC Feedback News.url CC Focus on Emotions.url CC Handbook for Citizens to take Action.url CC in Batik.url CC Lines of Evidence Video.url CC Student Videos.url Center for Climate Strategies.url Chart Summarizing Carbon quantities released and limits and impacts.url Chicago Adaptation to CC.url Chicago CC and Energy Strategy.url Citizens Climate Lobby.url Climate_Energy_Truths.pdf Climate Access.url Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange.url Climate and Conflict.url Climate and Ecological Forecasting Predicting and Preventing Health Risks by Juli Trtanj.url Climate Change, Energy, & Action Videoclip.url Climate Change and Confirmation Bias.url Climate Change and Education.url Climate Change and Global Food Security.url Climate Change and Global Food Security Video.url Climate Change Denial.url Climate Change EPA.url Climate Change Evidence, Impacts, and Choices.url Climate Change Evidence and Causes.url Climate Change Indicators.url Climate Change Information Network.url Climate Change Nova.url Climate Change Risk Communication Psychological Denial.url Climate Change Update US Fish and Wildlife.url Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Causes.url Climate Communication Science and Outreach.url Climate Debate Humor.url Climate Interpreter.url Climate Mission Impossible Fossil Fuels Untapped.url Climate Modeling 101.url Climate Nexus.url Climate Ready Water Utilities.url Climate Ready Water Utilities Toolbox.url Climate Reality Project Solutions.url Climate Resilience Framework.url Climate Resilience Toolkit.url Climate Science as Culture War.url Climate Skeptic Arguments.url Climate Skeptic Arguments and Their Background.url Climate Solutions Stories.url Climate Story Tellers.url Clip of by Gary Braasch and Stephen Schneider.url Clouds and Climate NOAA.url Cog Sci and Changes in Human Behavior.url Comfort Zone Trailer.url Communicating Climate Change Risks.url Conceptualization and Measurement of Policy Leadership.url Costs of Climate Change State by State.url Cover Crops a farm revolution with deep roots in the past.url Cover Crops Store Carbon.url Critical Warming Threshold.url Cultural Cognition of Scientific Consensus.url Deep Green.url Defining Planetary Boundaries.url DiCaprio Oscar Acceptance Speech.url Diffusion of Innovations.url Dire message backfire.url Dirt! The Movie.url Do the Math.url Earth Gauge.url Earth the Operator's Manual.url Earth the Operators' Manual.url Earth Under Fire.url Economist Solution to CC.url Eight examples of IPCC missing the mark.url El niño La niña.url Energy Sector Vulnerable to CC.url Engaging Voices.url Env Applications of Information Technology.url Eonomic Impacts of Climate Change.url EPA Climate Adaptation Plan.url EPA Sustainability Plan.url EPA Webcasts to Support Local and State Climate and Energy Efforts.url Escape from the Ivory Tower.url Explaining Extreme Events from a Climate Perspective 2011.url Extreme Weather Linked to Climate.url Extreme Weather Records.url Faith-based Arguments that Deal with Climate Change.url Fast Rate of Climate Change.url Fighting for Sustainability.url Food Consumption and CC.url Framing for Climate Interpreters.url Free Energy Data.url Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.url GeoOptics.url Geoscience Issues Climate.url Global CC A Primer.url Global Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet.url Global Precipitation Measurement.url Global Systems Science.url Global Warming What Should Be Done NY Times.url Google Maps Tagged with Climate Data.url Green Boston.url Greener Pastures.url Hansen Climate Change is Here and Worse than We Thought.url How Americans Communicate about Global Warming.url How Can We Tell a More Convincing CC Story.url How do human activities contribute to climate change.url How Global Warming Works.url How Greenhouse Gases Work.url How is sea level rise related to climate change.url How Science Connects the Dots.url How Skeptics View Global Warming.url How the World's Religions are Responding to CC.url How to Talk to an Ostrich.url Human-caused climate change.url Improving How Scientists Communicate about CC.url Informing an Effective Response to Climate Change.url Innovate to Mitigate 2015.url Interfaith Power and Light.url International Year of Soils.url International Year of Soils 2015.url IPCC consistently underestimates risks.url IPCC in Illustrated Haiku Flashcards.url IPCC Report.url Is the environment a moral dilemma.url I will be a hummingbird.url Julian Agyeman Tufts University.url Laudato Si.url Leonardo DiCaprio speaks about climate change while receiving Oscar for Revanant.url Living in Denial CC & Emotions & Everyday Life.url MA Clean Energy and Climate Plan 2015 Update.url MA Global Warming Solutions Project.url MA on track for reduction GG by 2020.url Maryland Greenhouse Gas Reductions Act.url Masachusetts Response to CC.url Metaphors.url Millenium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere.url Mitigate NYT 2011.url Motivated Avoidance.url Municipal CC Action Plan.url National Climate Assessment Downloads 2014.url National Climatic Data Center.url National Phenology Network.url National Security and the Threat of Climate Change.url National Security Implications of Climate Change.url National Weather and Climate Service.url Natural Causes of Climate Change.url NCA US Climate Stories.url NE Climate Science Center Webinars.url New Science Human Interface with Global Change.url New Yorker on Obama and CC.url NNOCCI.url NNOCCI Impacts After 5 years.url NOAA's CC Site.url NOAA links extreme weather to climate change.url No Time to Waste in Massachusetts.url Our Common Earth.url PaleoMap Temp Changes.url Pilot Climate Change and Transportation and Land Use Planning.url Plan NYC.url PlaNYC Final Report.url Policy Planning and Climate Change.url Pope Francis Encyclical Climate Change.url Powering the Planet.url Project Budburst.url Public Support for Climate Policy.url Reality Drop.url Regenerative Organic Agriculture and Climate Change.url Renewable Energy Cost Competitive.url Resilience Alliance.url Response to Climate Reality.url Risk Perception.url Risky Business.url Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism.url Scientific Uncertainty and Global Warming.url Scientists and Advocacy.url Senate Testimony Climate Change.url Senator Whitehouse speech 2012.url Shining Cities.url Six Americas Report.url Skeptical Science.url Smart Solutions for Climate Change.url Social and Decision Sciences in Communicating Uncertain Climate Risks.url Soil Carbon Conversation.url Soil Science Healing Our Planetary Ills from the Ground Up.url Solar Roadway Against.url Solar Roadways Con.url Solar Roadways For.url Solar Schools.url Solutions for a Sustainable and Desirable Future.url Solving our Biggest Problems.url Some Climate Science and Solutions Rationale Resources.docx Stabilization Wedges Game.url State of the Carbon Cycle Report.url State Reports re CC Plans.url State y State Plans to Address CC.url Sterman-Bathtub-Diagram-NatGeo.pdf Stockholm Resilience Centre.url Stories from a State of Change.url Summer Solstice.url Sustainability in NYC Climate Museum.url Sustainale Soln The Living Bridge.url Sustainble Investing.cmap TED Corporate Theory of Change.url TED How to Green the World Deserts and Reverse CC.url The Anthropocene Confronting Prospects of a +4 degreeC world.url The Climate Leader.url The Debunking Handbook.url The Federal Goverment and Climate Change.url The Great Food Crisis of 2011.url The new communications climate.url The Story of Stuff.url The Story of the Keeling Curve.url Tipping Point 2008 Sci Am.url Too Soon Gone Gary Braasch.url Transportation Land Use CC Integrated Plan Cape Cod.url Trenberth Scientific Consensus View of Climate Change.url Trend and Variation.url UK Adaptation Plan.url UNESCO Platform.url US Climate Resilience Toolkit.url US Energy Flow Archives.url U S Global Change Research Program.url USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Center.url Videoclip of a Climate for a New Theology.url Wasted Food and CC.url Water You talking about.url Weather Underground Local Climate Change data.url Weather underground videos.url What CC Means for States.url What is School Science for.url What Science is Telling Us about Climate Change.url What we Know.url Which city has the most unpredictable weather.url Wisconsin's Interactive Temperature change site.url Wisconsin FINAL.pdf World Climate.url World View of Global Warming.url Yale Climate Opinion Maps.url Young Evangelicals for Climate Action.url Young Voice on Climate Change.url Young Voices for the Planet.url