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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 12 1 Servitudes praedial, Burdened property served others with Praedium serviens and praedium dominans, SERVITUDES are Burdens on corporeal property of another: real action, Rural praedial servitudes for example Aquaehaustus: right to draw water eg use well, There are exceptions: servitus onus ferendi (support wall) and tigni immitendi (support beam) ???? Can't allow the building or wall to fall down, causing the beam to drop as well: thus positive obligation to maintain property, SERVITUDES are Servitutes personarum, Rural praedial servitudes for example Actus: right of driving cattle or vehicles over property, Numerus clausus of Pignus and hypotheca:real security by pledge or hypothec, Rural praedial servitudes for example Calcis coquendae: right to burn lime to ensure soil is right type for crops, Rural praedial servitudes for example Aquaeductus: right to lead water over a neighbour's property, Urban praedial servitudes for example Servitus ne lumuninibus officiatur: right to prevent neighbour building in such a way that it will prevent light to your own property, Urban praedial servitudes for example Oneris ferendi: right of support of buildings, Numerus clausus of Praedial and personal servitudes, SERVITUDES are Servitutes praediorum, No numerus clausus where Can create new types, II) Utilitas: benefit ???? Perpetua causa: has to be of lasting benefit and not just temporary or accidental enjoyment where no benefit to land, Servitutes praediorum are Over immovable property, Urban praedial servitudes where Not about where can be instituted, but rather types of rights, If A subdivided, servitude granted to both A1 and A2 and Servitude could not be constituted only in favour of one co-owner of A as they had undivided shares, I) Could not require owner of servient tenement to do something positive (like build a path for you to walk over) ???? Only had to allow something or refrain from doing something, Servitutes personarum are Over movables and immovables