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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 10 Owners' remedies, Had to prove all previous owners dominus because of nemo plus iuris rule (very difficult) ???? When not in possession, Acknowledge claim = Don't have to prove, When not in possession ???? Classical: actio ad exhibendum to force them to bring res to praetor, OWNERS' REMEDIES ???? Exceptio rei venditae et traditae, For dominus where Only prove ownership & onus on defendent, Transfer by non owner who becomes owner after sale with Qualify order, Res indefensa: choses not to get involved = Easier to prove, Action follows the res and not the person and is against anyone and everyone despite mala or bona fides and Classical: could not force return of thing and then instead compensation, Detentors: physical control with no legal implications or could Acknowledge claim, Actio legis acquiliae ???? Delictual claim, Actio furti ???? Claim back thing stolen and form of penalty imposed, Later only right to property necessary like Possessors: legally recognised physical control protected by possessory interdict, In Classical period where no action Land: interdictum quem fundum, Rei vindicatio is available To dominus (ex iure Quiritium), Possessors: legally recognised physical control protected by possessory interdict not Detentors: physical control with no legal implications, Condictio furtiva and Actio legis acquiliae, Rei vindicatio is available For return or value, Actio publiciana in rem was Available to bonitary owner who would not have the rei vindicatio, OWNERS' REMEDIES include Rei vindicatio, In Classical period where no action Movable: ducere vel ferre