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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 05 Abstract and causal methods of acquisition, Ulpian: causal approach and Paul: causal? Paul's texts are contradictory, Transferee merely became praetorian owner and got praetorian protection. The praetor would not grant this protection w/o legally valid reason for traditio thus Causal, Res mancipi where Transferee merely became praetorian owner and got praetorian protection. The praetor would not grant this protection w/o legally valid reason for traditio, Roman jurists had diverging opionions Julian: traditio (defects in causa only led to personal action thus abstract, ABSTRACT AND CAUSAL ACQUISITION OF OWNERSHIP ???? Causal: validity of legal action depends on the validity of underlying causa, In the case of mala fides, some writer of the opinion that ownership was transferred where Roman jurists, Traditio? distinguish between Res nec mancipi, ABSTRACT AND CAUSAL ACQUISITION OF OWNERSHIP ???? Traditio?, Mistake (error) which made it clear there was no intention to transfer would lead to no transfer of ownership eg Thinking it was a lease agreement instead of a contract of sale, Can be accepted that intention to transfer ownership had to be clear and Cannot be said with certainty that the validity of causa was an absolute necessity, Traditio? distinguish between Res mancipi, Res nec mancipi ???? Mistake (error) which made it clear there was no intention to transfer would lead to no transfer of ownership, Mancipatio and in iure cessio abstract in nature where If formalities met, then ownership passed regardless of whether the reason for the transfer was valid or not, Res nec mancipi ???? In the case of mala fides, some writer of the opinion that ownership was transferred, Res nec mancipi ???? Classical period: iusta causa requireed, but it was unclear precisely what this meant., Res nec mancipi ???? Uncertainty in classical period about other defects, but seemed that dissesnsus always excluded transfer of ownership, ABSTRACT AND CAUSAL ACQUISITION OF OWNERSHIP ???? Can be accepted that intention to transfer ownership had to be clear, Mancipatio and in iure cessio abstract in nature and If contract of sale void, it is not relevant to the transfer of ownership, In the case of mala fides, some writer of the opinion that ownership was transferred where Romanists, ABSTRACT AND CAUSAL ACQUISITION OF OWNERSHIP ???? Abstract means intended consequences followed regardless of whether inducing reason (causa traditionis) for legal action valid or not