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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 01 2 Classification of res, Loses its value if separated for example Horses, Private things include Res mancipi, Transferred through formal methods of transfer (mancipatio and in iure cessio) and was a limited category of things that determined wealth of a citizen for purposes of census (most NB things in agrarian society) consists of Rural praedial servitudes, Res mobiles Can be moved like a slave or a vase, Divisible and Indivisible, Private things include Res immobiles, Things with specific identities and res non consumptibiles eg Rare bottle of wine, painting or a slave, Transferred through formal methods of transfer (mancipatio and in iure cessio) and was a limited category of things that determined wealth of a citizen for purposes of census (most NB things in agrarian society) consists of Land in Italy or in provinces with the same status as Italy, Indivisible means Loses its value if separated, Deciding on the correct type of contract like Mutuum: "borrow" something and return equivalent thing, Deciding on the correct type of contract like Commodatum: "borrow something and return the same thing, Res immobiles Immovable property like land and buildings, Immovable property like land and buildings and Relevant for presciption, possessory interdicts and costitution of servitudes, Res non fungibles are Things with specific identities and res non consumptibiles, Can be moved like a slave or a vase and Relevant for presciption, possessory interdicts and costitution of servitudes, Relevant for presciption, possessory interdicts and costitution of servitudes although Not as important in RL, was NB in determinging period of presciption eg movables require a shorter period, Relevant for presciption, possessory interdicts and costitution of servitudes because Types of possessory interdict differ as do the ways you could constitute servitudes, Transferred through formal methods of transfer (mancipatio and in iure cessio) and was a limited category of things that determined wealth of a citizen for purposes of census (most NB things in agrarian society) consists of Beasts of draught and burden (horses, oxen, donkeys and mules, Roll of material or piece of land is Relevant for division of property held in co-ownership, Private things include Res fungibles