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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 02 Personal and real actions, Specific person brought before the court where Formula: "I claim that you, insert name, owe me 10 thousand sesterces.", Specific person brought before the court who Did not have a choice about participation, Claim back with rei vindicatio which Solves ownership disputes, Claim back with rei vindicatio and Can still claim against 3rd party who bought stolen thing bona fide, Either claim ownership or that you have some sort of a right over thing and Instituted against the res itself and can claim it wherever it is found, Grab res or symbol thereof ???? Movable thing take to praetor, Actio in rem which Later developed to include usufructory and limited real rights, Had to enter into dispute or Otherwise seen as tacit acknowledgement, Solves ownership disputes defendant can Institute contravindicatio: counter claim, According to Gaius, claim for direct control of a corporeal thing where Either claim ownership or that you have some sort of a right over thing, PERSONAL AND REAL ACTIONS ???? Where there's an action, there's a right, PERSONAL AND REAL ACTIONS ???? Actio in rem, Actio in personam is According to Gaius, claim that someone has to give, do or perform something, Actio in rem is According to Gaius, claim for direct control of a corporeal thing, Grab res or symbol thereof ???? House or piece of land: initially has to institute proceedings in front of house itself, but later symbol like roof tile or piece of tile, PERSONAL AND REAL ACTIONS ???? Actio in personam, Instituted against the res itself and can claim it wherever it is found with Absolute patrimonial relationship, Formula: "I claim that you, insert name, owe me 10 thousand sesterces." with Legal nexus between claimant and specific person that has to deliver performance, According to Gaius, claim that someone has to give, do or perform something and Action against specific person where identity of counterpart is NB and claim is that performance is due, Actio in personam where Specific person brought before the court