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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: Concept map-Task 4, Redundancy expanded functions are Displacement, Social intentions are Requesting, The meaning of these language functions, like the acts of referring and expanding, are greater than the words or structures that the child uses. are Denying, Concrete cognition At this level speakers are able to think clearly about others and what others are thinking about and therefore their language reflects the relationships., Flexibility here Concepts can be used in a variety of ways and the communication with others takes on more variety., meaningful relationships that a child possesses about his or her world. These function connect the child to his or her world and the child’s world to the child’s thinking., is the way that a person uses language to communicate with and to other people. Language functions is the way a person thinks., Social intentions are Existing, The statements of information, assertions, and requests of information are all types of speech acts. ???? Propositions are important components of complex expanded speech acts., The meaning of these language functions, like the acts of referring and expanding, are greater than the words or structures that the child uses. are Greeting, Extended semantic relationships Once a a baby is able to express his or agency through non-verbal and basic verbal semantic relationships, The meaning of these language functions, like the acts of referring and expanding, are greater than the words or structures that the child uses. ???? Negating, Social intentions Semantic Relationships, Social intentions are Denying, Social intentions Speech acts, expand and extend as well as change or modulate the basic semantic relationship to include more displacement, semanticity, flexibility, productivity, and redundancy, The Study of Language Functions Concrete cognition, the socio-cognitive processes of the human’s Neuro-Semantic Language Learning System. social is the way that a person uses language to communicate with and to other people., Social intentions are Negating, include the rules for the context, verbal and non-verbal characteristics of the speaker’s utterance, and the effects on the listener For speech acts to be effective they must affect the way the listener assigns meaning