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Questa Cmap, creata con IHMC CmapTools, contiene informazioni relative a: ConsultantCmap3, 1886 by Arthur D. Little from which it derives The Facilitative Consultant, The Facilitative Consultant is a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client., a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Ways to manage Strategies -Management control and reporting of activities -Performance monitoring -Definition of objectives and programs of action for the short, medium and long term, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Types digital consultant, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Context -his home-office -client's organizations, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Challenges -Uncover the common barriers to team success and prevention strategies -Set appropriate expectations with client and manage them throughout the project life cycle -Respond effectively to reasonable and unreasonable requests from clients -Fostering a constructive climate and encouraging people to work together -Promoting participatory communication -Creating the right climate for knowledge, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Tasks -Attends the first planning meeting with the client -Decide together which goals they want to reach, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Types market entry consultant, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Types Block, 2011: -Expert when he has to have all the skills and abilities requested by the client and his problem. -Pair-of-hands when the client already has a task that consultant will complete. -Collaborator when client and consultant share responsabilities for the OD process and meet halfway., a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Disadvantages If external -has limited knowledge about organiz's culture, politics and history doesn't receive already trust, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Types information consultant, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Types management consultant, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Challenges -Cultivate more capable, adaptive human beings -Listen to client requests and ask key questions to help clients discover their real needs -Gain client confidence and maintain a trusting relationship -Communicate effectively with clients about status, issues and challenges -Apply strategies for working with different communication styles, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Ways to manage Methods -unilateral control approach -Mutual learning approach composed by mindset, behaviors, results, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Advantages If Internal -deep knowledge about the problems -deep knowledge about the organiz's history, politics and culture -strong relationships -can monitor and evaluate effectiveness of intervention, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Types financial consultant, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Skills Interpersonal: -act with trasparency -communicate clearly, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Tasks -Discusses pros and cons about strategies with the client -Does researches, questionnaires, interviews and analyse the statistics -Presents the results to the client and they discuss to reach a common solution, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Types human resources consultant, a professional figure who helps to make decisions by making his knowledge and skills available to the client. Disadvantages If internal -put under pressure the organiz -break relations to force them to solve problem in that way -can divulgate personal and confidancial informations