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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Cambridge Program at a glance Aug2018, Curriculum explore on number, algebra, geometry, measure, handling data focuses on principles, patterns, systems, functions and relationships, English either as Second language curriculum, Cambridge Secondary 1 designed to engage learners in learning journey Science, Second language curriculum developed in conjunction with Cambridge English Language Assessment framework develops learners’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in English, Cambridge Secondary 1 designed to engage learners in learning journey English, Second language curriculum focuses on speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in English, curriculum include scientific enquiry, biology, chemistry and physics scientific enquiry is about considering ideas, evaluating evidence, planning investigative work, and recording and analysing data, English either as Second language curriculum, Cambridge Programme at a Glance covers Cambridge Primary, Mathematics content areas are Curriculum focuses on: number, geometry, measure, handling data and problem solving, First language curriculum forcuses on learners to communicate confidently and effectively and to develop the critical skills, Science covers Biology, Chemistry Physics and focuses on Curriculum focuses on Scientific enquiry about: considering ideas, evaluating evidence, planning, investigating, recording and analysing data, Cambridge Primary aims to develop skills in English, First language curriculum curriculum designed to be successful in any culture and to promote cross-cultural understanding, Science covers four content areas curriculum include scientific enquiry, biology, chemistry and physics, English either as First language curriculum, Cambridge Programme at a Glance covers Cambridge Secondary 2 (IGCSE), Cambridge Primary aims to develop skills in Mathematics, Cambridge Primary aims to develop skills in Science, Cambridge Secondary 1 designed to engage learners in learning journey Mathematics