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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Numerical Models Used at NASP METOC, Coupled Oceanographic and Atmospheric Modeling and Prediction System (COAMPS) outperforms other models in predicting Cloud cover onset, Naval Oceanographic Global Atmospheric System (NOGAPS) is a Global-scale model, Numerical Forecasting Models Used at NASP METOC are used in forecasting, e.g., Precipitation, The NGM Model developed by National Weather Service, Tropical storms can arise from Tropical easterly waves, Aviation model (AVN) is useful in forecasting AIRMETS, Coupled Oceanographic and Atmospheric Modeling and Prediction System (COAMPS) is a Regional-scale model (resolution of 27 kilometers), Coupled Oceanographic and Atmospheric Modeling and Prediction System (COAMPS) performs well in predicting Rain amounts, Numerical Forecasting Models Used at NASP METOC are used in forecasting, e.g., Sea heights, Medium-Range Forecast (MRF) developed by National Weather Service, Preparing forecasts of Tropical storms, Coupled Oceanographic and Atmospheric Modeling and Prediction System (COAMPS) is a new model incorporating Sea surface temperature data, Naval Oceanographic Global Atmospheric System (NOGAPS) is used in an Initialized run of the GFDL model (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory), Numerical Forecasting Models Used at NASP METOC are used in forecasting, e.g., Wind fields, Coupled Oceanographic and Atmospheric Modeling and Prediction System (COAMPS) outperforms other models in predicting Mesoscale winds, Sea surface temperature data enable it to perform well in forecasting Tropical easterly waves, Initialized run of the GFDL model (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) should perform well in predicting Storm tracks, Sea surface temperature data i.e., Pools of deep warm water, Aviation model (AVN) gets its boundary conditions from The NGM Model, Numerical Forecasting Models Used at NASP METOC include Naval Oceanographic Global Atmospheric System (NOGAPS)