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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Summer Weather Regime, High pressure ridge at mid to upper levels in Gulf Coast region manifestation of Weak High pressure ridges aloft, Warm, moist air mass at lower levels can produce Upper level cloud decks, Major causes of weather are Land-Sea breeze diurnal cycle, Unstable or conditionally unstable air mass e.g., at a Dry line, Principal weather phenomena are High pressure ridge at mid to upper levels in Gulf Coast region, Rising air mass leads to Towering cumulus clouds, Subsidence can be Strong subsidence, Encroachment into the region due to Northerly migration of the sub-tropical jet, High pressure ridge at mid to upper levels in Gulf Coast region creates a condition in which High pressure dominates, Tropical cyclones have rain bands with Thunderstorms, Warm, moist air mass at lower levels can produce Upward vertical motion of the air, High pressure ridge at mid to upper levels in Gulf Coast region prevents Encroachment into the region, Strong subsidence caps Rising air mass, Isothermal (weak) does not "cap" Rising air mass, Upward vertical motion of the air allow the air to "pop thru" a weak Temperature inversion, High pressure dominates causes Good weather, Gulf Coast Summer Weather Regime involves Principal weather phenomena, Encroachment into the region by Continental Polar air, Towering cumulus clouds pop through Temperature inversion, Air quality worse with Salt haze