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Nucleus is found in Eukaryotes, Respiration produces Carbon Dioxide, Respiration produces ATP, Ribosomes are in Cytoplasm, Ribosomes are in Endoplasmic Reticulum, Cell Membranes are composed of Lipids, Cell Walls offer Structure, Cell Walls offer Protection, ATP is Energy, Cells have Organelles, DNA defines Proteins, Eukaryotes are Protists, Eukaryotes are Fungi, Eukaryotes are Animals, Eukaryotes are Plants, Mitosis produces Two Exact Copies of a Cell, Plastids such as Chloroplast, Cell Membranes are Selectively Permeable, Nucleolus contains Chromosomes, Cells reproduce via Mitosis, Organelles include Ribosomes, Organelles include Mitochondria, Organelles include Endoplasmic Reticulum, Organelles include Nucleus, Organelles include Cell Membranes, Organelles include Vacuoles, Organelles include Plastids, Organelles include Cytoplasm, Organelles include Cell Walls, Chloroplast performs Photosynthesis, Photosynthesis produces Food, Photosynthesis produces Oxygen, Photosynthesis requires Light, Photosynthesis requires Carbon Dioxide, Cell Membranes offer Structure, Cell Membranes offer Protection, Plastids are found in Plants, Vacuoles store Food, Chloroplast contain Thylakoids, Mitochondria is considered The Power House of Cells, Thylakoids contain Chlorophyll, Mitochondria performs Respiration, Ribosomes produce Proteins, Respiration requires Oxygen, Respiration requires Food, Nucleus contains Nucleolus, Chromosomes contain DNA, Light is Energy, Cell Walls are found in Plants, Cells are The Smallest Unit of Life