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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Frailty CMAP done.cmap, Assessment ???? FRAIL Scale, Aerobic ???? Cardio/edurance, Effects of Frailty ???? Falls, Can we prevent/reverse frailty? ???? Frailty, Model: Fried & Colleagues Frailty Classifications Pre-Frail (2/5), Frailty ???? Treatment, Model: Fried & Colleagues Frailty Classifications Frail (3/5), Methods ???? Cardio/edurance, Effects of Frailty ???? Decreased Independence, Model: Fried & Colleagues ???? Effects of Frailty, Treatment ???? Balance, Model: Fried & Colleagues Frailty Critieria Fatigue, Model: Fried & Colleagues Frailty Critieria Sedentary Behavior, Treatment ???? Aerobic, Effects of Frailty ???? Sedentary Lifestyle, Model: Fried & Colleagues Frailty Critieria Unintentional Weight Loss, Frailty ???? Assessment, Balance ???? Methods, Frailty ???? Operational Definition, Resistance ???? Methods