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Climate Resources Resources for Inquiry-based Science and Engineering Practices Extended Resources for Interdisciplinary Connections Extended Advancing Climate Change EE Resources & Suggestions.url A Guide to the Energy of the Earth.url A Review of Research on Outdoor Learning.url Energy Teach and Learn.url Environmental Education and Human Adaptation to Climate Change.url Experiential Learning.url GEMS.url Innovation in out of school science.url Inquiry-based Science and Engineering Practices Extended.cmap Instructional Strategies for Environment as an Integrating Context (EIC).url Interactive Simulations for Science and Math.url Interdisciplinary Connections Extended.cmap National Energy Education Development.url Nature Deficit Disorder.url NEED Curriculum Correlations.url NEED for educators.url NEED for Students.url NSTA Webinar Climate Science in the Classroom.url PBS Energy Resources.url Problem-based learning.url Psychological Impacts of Global Climate Change.url Teachers & CC Issues.full.pdf TED Talk A Guide to the Energy of the Earth.url Transformational Learning and Life Circles.url Treaty on Environmental Education for Sustainable Development and Global Responsibility.url What do we know about students learning and how do we know it.url